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Lawn Maintenance

4 or 5 step program
Grub program

Hillside Landscape offers a wide variety of landscape and lawn maintenance packages to meet your specific needs and budget.

Our Landscape & Lawn Maintenance Services include:

  • Weekly Lawn Mowing and Edging

  • Spring and Fall Yard Clean-Ups

  • Bush Trimming and Pruning

  • Lawn Fertilization Program

  • Bed Edging and Weeding

  • Grub and Pest Control

  • Lawn Aeration

  • Perennial Garden Care

You can choose from the following packages, depending on your needs, click to see details:


Weekly Lawn Care Service  |  4 or 5 Step Fertilize Program To a Healthier, Greener Lawn
Grub and Pest Control Program Lawn Aeration  |  Spring Clean Up  |  Fall Clean Up
Bush and Hedge Trimming


4 or 5 Step Fertilizer Program to a Healthier, Greener Lawn


Step 1: Our Early Spring PRE-EMERGENT herbicide plus fertilizer is a weed & feed applied Mid-March through April. This application is for the control of crabgrass and the early feeding of the lawn. Crabgrass is difficult to control after emergence and is best controlled with pre-emergent herbicides. Watering after application will improve pre-emergent weed control. Recommended.

Step 2: Our Spring POST-EMERGENT herbicide plus fertilizer is a weed & feed applied early May through June. This application is for the control of broadleaf weeds (clover, dandelions, plantain, and other weeds) and promotion of lush green growth in lawns. This fertilizer works best when the weeds are actively growing in the spring and fall. It is best applied to moist lawns. Avoid watering for 2 days after application as watering will wash off weed killing material. Recommended.

Step 3: Our Summer fertilizer for continued summer feeding of the lawn. This fertilizer application is typically for well irrigated lawns and has a slow release formula to prevent burning. Optional.

Step 4: Our Fall POST-EMERGENT herbicide plus fertilizer is a weed & feed applied in September. This application is for the control of broadleaf weeds (clover, dandelions, plantain, and other weeds) and promotion of lush green growth in lawns. This fertilizer works best when the weeds are actively growing in the spring and fall. It is best applied to moist lawns. Avoid watering for 2 days after application as watering will wash off weed killing material. Recommended.

Step 5: Our Winter fertilizer is applied late fall in October. This application promotes root growth for a healthier, more drought and disease resistant lawn. It also has 75% slow release nitrogen and 2% iron for early spring greening. Winter fertilizer will give your lawn that fresh green start before the spring fertilizers can be applied. This is highly effective when applied directly after fall lawn aeration. Recommended.


Grub Control Program


White grubs are annual turf damaging insects that feed on the root system of grasses and plants. They are the larvae or scarab of beetles including the Japanese beetle, Asiatic garden beetle, Oriental beetle, and May / June beetles. The adult beetles emerge from the soil in late May to feed through July when they return to the soil to lay their eggs. Following the egg hatch in late summer, the grub feeds on decaying vegetation in the root zone through fall. Left untreated, grubs are capable of doing severe damage in a short period of time.

Grub infested turf may appear grayish green in color or wilted. When the infestation is heavy, the turf may feel spongy under foot and can actually be rolled up like a carpet. As the grubs continue to feed, the turf dies off in large irregular patches. Often times, the first indication of grubs, and the most significant damage, is from birds and animals that feed on the grubs. These include crows, starlings, skunks, raccoons, and moles which can tear up a lawn while feeding on the grubs. Have you recently noticed (or smelled) skunks in your yard?

As adults, beetles feed on the upper surface of leaves and work from the top of the crown down, usually preferring to dine in full sunlight. The result is a distinctive lace like skeletonization of the leaves. Adults feed usually feed late May through July. Beware, beetle traps are baited to attacked beetles; this is how they work. We do not recommend the use of traps! If infestation is severe, an insecticide spray may be indicated. This should be followed be a grub treatment to kill an egg hatch and prevent a re-infestation.

Merit Season Long GRUB CONTROL and PREVENTATIVE is applied end of May through June and is for the season long control of soil inhabiting insects such as white grubs and Japanese Beetles during the grub stage. This product has sufficient residual so that application can be done prior to the egg hatch. Sufficient watering is required after application to move the active ingredients through the thatch and soil. We recommend a Merit Grub Control application where a grub infestation has occurred in the past.

Dylox insecticide provides fast acting, CURATIVE control of white grubs, Japanese Beetles, and a variety of surface feeding and soil insects. If properly watered in, Dylox can act as quickly a 24 hours after application. Dylox works by contact and ingestion. Contact activity provides quick knock down, while ingestive activity ensures complete pest control. Dylox is typically applied late summer and early fall when grubs are actively feeding.


Lawn Aeration


Lawn aeration is recommended annually. Aeration opens the soil to permit free movement of water, fertilizer, and air and provides room for the grass roots to grow. Aerated lawns do not require as much watering because the water can flow directly down to the roots. Aeration may be done in spring or fall and is best done just prior to fertilizing. We recommend fall aeration followed immediately by a winterizer fertilizer application.


Lawn Care - Basic "Cut and Edge" Service


This is our basic weekly service, which includes:

  • Cutting the grass and removal of the clippings

  • Line trimming around obstructions

  • Power Edging of the side walks bi-weekly

  • General policing of the yard for debris

  • Power sweeping of sidewalks and driveways


Lawn Care - The Works


This is our upgraded lawn care service, which includes:

  • Turf areas shall be mowed weekly to a uniform height.

  • Concrete adjacent to turf areas shall be edged as necessary to retain a neat appearance.

  • All other obstructions shall be trimmed with a line trimmer.

  • All soil beds shall be cultivated three times per season to as necessary to keep a neat weed free appearance.

  • Removal of landscape debris and lawn clippings.

  • A general policing of the grounds to remove papers, debris, etc. shall be performed weekly.

  • Foundation shrubs (those directly associated with the building foundation) shall be trimmed of new growth twice during a season, generally around the Fourth of July and again at Labor Day.


Lawn Care - Full Service


This is our complete landscape service, which includes:

  • The Works service (Reference description above)

  • Spring and fall clean ups (Reference description below)

  • Lawn fertilization (4 applications): Early spring crabgrass pre-emergence, a fall weed and feed, and late fall "winterizer" for root growth.

  • All shrubs shall be trimmed of new growth twice during a season, generally around the Fourth of July and again at Labor Day.

  • Any dead or broken limbs shall be pruned on a regular basis. Ornamental trees to a height of 15 feet shall be pruned to eliminate dead, diseased, or damaged wood and to remove "suckers".

  • Billed a flat fee at the beginning of each month for this service, April through November (8- months).


Lawn Care - Platinum Service​


This service includes all of the above along with additional services, including  weekly care of planting beds: weeding, cultivating, and dead-heading of perennials.​


Spring Clean-Up


Our spring clean ups begin early to mid-April weather permitting and include the following:

  • Brisk power raking and detaching of all turf areas.

  • Blowing out and raking of all beds under shrubs of any debris.

  • Cut last year’s remaining perennials and remove last year’s annuals. (Mums are treated as annuals)

  • A complete raking of all turf areas.

  • Mowing of all turf areas.

  • Line trimming around any obstructions.

  • Power Edging of all appropriate driveways and walk ways.

  • A general policing of the grounds and removal of landscape debris.


Fall Clean-Up


Fall clean ups begin in November weather permitting, and include the following:

  • An additional lawn cutting in early November to pick up leaves prior to the final clean up. This applies to Maintenance customers only.

  • Blowing out and raking of all beds and under shrubs of debris.

  • Rake and remove leaves.

  • Cut perennials and remove annuals as necessary. Ornamental grasses and some perennials (such as sedum, astilbe, black-eyed Susans, and purple coneflowers) may be left for winter viewing. These are usually cut during the spring clean up. Mums are treated as annuals.

  • Final lawn cutting of turf areas for a neat appearance.


Bush and Hedge Trimming


Generally, bushes are trimmed of new growth twice per year; once around July 4 and again after Labor Day. Please call our office early if you desire this service. Trimming of foundation shrubs two times yearly is included with "The Works" service. Trimming of all bushes twice yearly is included with "Full Service".


Call 847-724-5688 or click for superior Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance.

Spring clean up
Fall clean up
Bush and hedge

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© 2023 by Hillside Landscape. Powered and secured by Big Shot


Phone: 847-724-5688 


21761 N Weiland Rd

Prairie View, IL 60069


Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm

​​Saturday: 9am - 3pm​

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